Get Involved.
To deliver this project we need people to help in a variety of ways…
Wonderful places like our Village Hall rely on volunteers and their value cannot be underestimated.
The management of the Hall is run through a Board of Trustees, these are individuals who ensure that the best interests of the Hall are being met, setting a budget and dealing with a variety of administrative issues.
The Hall is always happy to accept new Trustees, to bring new ideas, different approaches, new skill sets and above all, know and understand the value of its existence.
We also have an active group of individuals who commit some of their time to organizing events for the Hall; games nights, quizzes, bingo, lunches and anything in between.
If you feel that you would like to get involved, even if it’s only a small amount of your time…
We need to raise funds for both the Hall and for our project
We have already begun to do this very successfully but new ideas, knowledge of fund raising and experience of organizing events would be gold dust for us. So please, don’t think that you can’t help with the renovation of the Hall, get in touch with your ideas, experiences and thoughts for how we can raise some much needed funds.
To assist with Fundraising….
We fully appreciate that these days with the cost of living, energy prices and businesses struggling, it is not easy to find spare cash for a specific cause.
We hope that some may be able to help, either with cash sponsorships or with goods that would assist us with the build of the project. We would be happy to acknowledge any sponsors, on our website, in our local magazine and additionally a mention in all press articles and interviews.
If you would like to become a Sponsor…
From time to time, kind individuals give the Hall donations.
Sometimes it is a percentage of money raised on a stall, sometimes it is an item that can be sold and sometimes it is just a gift from a well-wisher. If you feel that you would like to help, your donation will be gratefully received and acknowledged in a way that you feel comfortable with. Every little helps.
To make a donation…